When the Client’s Microsoft Tenant ID has been successfully linked to the Passport 360 application, their users will be able to request access to the system using their Microsoft accounts.
1) User requests access to their Companies Passport 360 application
Navigate to the landing page of the application.
Note: You can access the login page via the Passport 360 website (www.passport360.com)
Or you can type in the below URL link to be directed to the login page directly.
When you are on the landing page, select login with Microsoft.
Another screen will open, whereby you will be required to enter in your ID number and select continue.
You will then be required to confirm your details.
Note: If your company has more than one division available to the company subscription package, you will be required to use the dropdown selection available and select the correct division that you are working under.
When you have completed your registration process, you will receive a pop-up message advising you that your registration, you user will need to be validated.
2) System Administrator to approve user request.
Once a user has requested to have access to the Companies application, the system administrator will receive a bell notification advising them of the request.
Click on the Authorize Link button.
You will be directed to the user page.
Using the dropdown selection available, assign the correct User Role to the individual.
System Permissions –
Create users, delete users, manage user access rights, assign positions and appointments, assign workflows according to project specs, create and manage projects and packs, create organograms.
System Restrictions –
Administrators cannot assign specific menu assignments to different users.
System Permissions –
Assign workflows according to project specs, assign appointments and positions, approve packs, approve projects and packs.
System Restrictions –
Cannot create users, delete users, cannot change user access rights, cannot create organograms, cannot create projects and packs.
System Permissions –
Upload and complete SHE Pack, Upload documents.
System Restrictions –
Cannot create users, delete users, cannot change user access rights, cannot create organograms, cannot create projects and packs.
Read Only:
System Permissions –
No system permissions other than read only.
System Restrictions –
Full system restrictions other than access to view only and download documents within purchased package.
Ensure that the user category is set to “Client”.
Note: If it is important to check the assigned divisions to the user. Simply tick or untick the applicable divisions for the user if there are multiple divisions on the Company organogram.
When you are complete editing the User details, select the save button that displays on the top right of the screen.
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