1) Setup and Manage Legal Appointments
Note: Ensure that you are on the home division when adding and managing your Legal Appointments.
The Corporate Client needs to go to “Legal Appointments” and select “Manage” to Setup and Manage their Legal Appointments.
1.1) Create your Question Sets
Navigate to “Question Sets”
Fill in the name of your question set and select “Add”
You will receive a notification to say that your question set has been added.
Your list of question sets will appear in a grid display to the right of your screen.
The next step is to add questions to your question set created. Select the manage question set button.
Note: The number ordering will automatically populate as you add your questions.
Using the dropdown selection available, select the type of question that you need to add:
Yes or No
True or False
Multiple Choice
Add the question as required.
Fill in the question description (if applicable).
When you are complete, select save
Your questions will appear to the right of your screen in the order of creation.
Should the system administrator need to edit a question, simply highlight the applicable question, change the required content, and select update.
When you have completed adding your questions to the question set, select the “X” in the top right corner of your screen to close the page.
To edit a question sets name, select the edit button.
Change the applicable content and select “Edit”. The question set will be updated accordingly.
To delete a question set entirely, select the delete button.
1.2) Setup and add Legal Appointment Letter
Now the Corporate Client needs to create and manage the Appointment Letter.
Using the dropdown selection available, select the type of Legal Appointment you need to add:
Fill in the Legal Appointment name and when you are complete select “Add”
Your list of Legal Appointments will appear in a grid display to the right of your screen.
Use the search option to search for your legal appointment.
The next step is to assign your question set/s to your Legal Appointment.
Select the “Assign Question Set” button
Using the dropdown selection available, select the question set that you need to add to the Legal Appointment.
Using the dropdown selection available, mark if this question set is mandatory or not.
If you need to assign a required appointee to this question set, use the dropdown selection available to select the applicable appointee.
When you are complete, select Assign Question Set
Note: You can add multiple question sets to a Legal Appointment.
When you are complete with your selection, the listed question sets will display to the right of your screen.
The next step for the Corporate Client to upload the legal appointment letter to the appointment created.
Select the “Upload” button.
Note: It is important to have your drafted Letter available for upload in a word format. Keep in mind it is of utmost importance to user the systems “Parameter” selection when drafting your letter.
Take special care to ensure that if you need multiple users in a specific role profile to sign the document, you need to ensure that you select the correct “Multiple Parameter Table” selection.
Example of Document layout:
Search for the applicable document or drop the document into the available field so that the document can be uploaded onto Passport 360. Once the document is uploaded, a note will pop up advising as such.
1.3) Assign a User Group to Review submitted interviews
Note: this step is not mandatory, however it can be used for larger organizations that would prefer to assign “gatekeepers” to watch and review any submitted legal appointment requests before the submissions reach the 3.1(a) representative. Keep in mind that these individuals will have to have the “Legal Appointee 3.1(a)” ticked against their user profile so that they can access the video submissions.
Select the Manage User Group button.
Using the drop-down selection available, select which user group will be the individuals that will review the interview submissions.
Once you have made your selection, click on the “Set User Group” button.
You will receive a notification advising you that the Legal appointment user group has been assigned.
1.4) Assign Position Requirements
Note: This setting will be used for organizations that require an individual to have met a prerequisite position requirement before they are allowed to request for a Legal Appointment. If the prerequisite is not met, it will not allow the individual to apply for the Legal Appointment.
Select the link button that displays next to the legal appointment.
Another screen will open whereby you can select single or multiple prerequisite positions to the Legal Appointment. Simply click on the applicable requirement and select the single arrow to apply the requirement.
1.5) Assign multiple Legal Appointees to acknowledge the Legal Appointment letter
Note: This function will be used by the Corporate Clients, system administrators. It is important to remember that this function needs to be done per project, per division.
Navigate to Project Compliance on your dashboard.
Select manage projects.
Navigate to the required project and select the “add legal appointees” button.
Using the dropdown selection available, select the “role” type.
In the next dropdown, select the employee that needs to be assigned the role.
In the last dropdown selection, select the 3.1(a) role.
Your listed Legal Appointees will be displayed to the right of your screen.
If you need to delete an individual, select the delete button that displays next to the individual.
1.6) Set Up a schedule for “face-to-face” Legal Appointment interviews
Note: Keep in mind that these individuals will have to have the “Legal Appointee 3.1(a)” ticked against their user profile so that they can access the video submissions. This includes the creation of a 31(a) schedule.
Navigate to Video Interviews on your dashboard.
Scroll down to “Interview Schedule” and select Add.
Using the dropdown selection available, select the Business unit, the Legal Appointment representative, use free text to mention where the meeting will take place and select the number of seats (amount of people) that will be present at the interview. If these interviews will take place over several days in one week, you are able to select a date range.
When you have set up the schedule for the Legal Appointees, select the save button to complete the schedule creation.
A pop-up message will come up advising you that the schedule has been created successfully.
If a schedule has been created and it needs to be deleted completely, simply click on the applicable schedule and select the delete button.
Note: If a person has already booked for a schedule that has been deleted, the specified individual will receive an email notification advising them that they need to rebook their appointment. This does not mean that they need to go through the interview process again, it just means that they need to rebook their appointment date.
You will be required to add a reason for the removal of the Legal Appointment and when you are complete, select save.
1.7) Request a Legal Appointment
Note: Corporate Client internal Employees and Service Providers must follow the same process to request a legal appointment.
Navigate to your dashboard
Go to “Available Widgets” and select “On-boarding”
To request a Legal Appointment, select “Book”
Use the dropdown selections available to book your Legal Appointment.
Note: If the Client has not set up their legal appointments correctly. The system will display a pop-up message advising you what is needed if there is anything missing in the “set up” stage of the Legal Appointment. It is up to the Service Provider or internal staff member to advise the Project Owner that there are missing fields in the selected legal appointment, thus not allowing the individual to proceed with the application.
Example Pop-Up Message:
If everything is set up correctly, a secondary screen will open, whereby you will be able to view the individual’s pre-requisite position requirements as well as which requirements are completed and which requirements are not completed.
Upload a supporting map showing your area of responsibility.
Note: The system will not allow you to move forward with the booking should all the pre-requisite requirements not be completed.
When the Legal Appointment request is viewed, both the Service Provider and the Legal appointment representative can view the pre-requisites when viewing the individual profile.
If you are not the individual that needs to complete the Legal Appointment, however you are an administrator assisting with getting everything in order, you are able to share the interview with the correct individual, by selection the “share interview” button. Add their email address and select save.
The person that will receive the notification can expect the below notification.
Click on the “Legal Appointment Interview” link and it will direct you to the interview.
A pop up will appear whereby you will be required to capture your digital signature.
The individual requesting the legal appointment, is required to upload and save a map.
Upload the supporting map, by selecting browse and loading it onto the system. When you are complete, select save map.
To generate your legal appointment letter, select generate letter.
The letter will automatically generate, whereby you will be able to download and print the document. It is important that the letter can take a few minutes to generate, depending on how large the file is.
Note: If there are multiple Legal Appointees assigned to the letter, you will be required to get the document signed by each representative.
The next step is for the Service Provider to start your interview, select start interview.
You will be required to record your answers as well as submit your answers by answering the questionnaire.
When your questionnaire is complete, you will receive the below notification.
To view your previously submitted interviews, these can be viewed in your Employee Profile, under Legal Appointments.
Note: Once the Interview process has been completed, the assigned 3.1 from the Corporate Client Users will receive a notification advising them of the submitted request.
If there is an assigned user group that are responsible to review the interview submission before it goes to the 3.1(a) representative, it is important that the selected user group will get the notification before the 3.1(a) gets the notification.
You can view the status of your submitted Legal Appointments by scrolling below the Onboarding widget display. You will see the “Legal Appointment Requests” grid.
In Progress: This means that the person who is doing the interview is still busy doing the interview. It has not been completed and is not ready for review.
Awaiting Review: This means that the interview is pending review from the 3.1 (a) gatekeepers. (The first line of approval).
Awaiting Booking: This means that the gatekeeper has approved the interview and now the Individual needs to book a face-to-face meeting with the 3.1(a)
Awaiting Review from 3.1(a): This means that the booking has been made to see the 3.1(a), however the meeting still needs to happen, and the outcome of the approval needs to be completed by the 3.1(a).
Rejected: This means that the Legal appointment request has been rejected.
Approved: This means that the Legal appointment request has been approved.
At any point if an individual needs to delete any of their previously submitted digital interviews, there is an option to delete the record, however it is very important to remember that if the record is deleted, the individual will have to do the interview again.
Simply select the delete button that displays next to the applicable legal appointment request and select the delete button.
1.8) Review User Group to authorize submitted interviews
Note: This step will only take place if the Client has set up a user group to review the interview. It is very important to remember that only a bell notification will be received by the individual advising him/her of the submitted legal appointment.
Select the view request text.
Select the view button that displays next to the individual.
Another screen will pop up whereby you can watch the interview simply by clicking on the view button that displays next to the answer.
Click on the play button that displays at the bottom of the recording to listen to the applicants recorded answer.
While you have this screen open to review the interview of the individual, you can also view their current Pre-requisites status, Legal Appointment submissions and status’s, Rout Form, view their Personal profile, generate the Legal Appointment letter on the applicant’s behalf, and approval actions, which will include the reason for rejection if it is rejected.
When you have reviewed the individual’s interview, you must approve or reject the application.
Note: If you have a signing hub integration set up on your corporate package, you will see a display for the approval to be sent to signing hub. Click on the approve to signing hub button and the document will be sent to signing hub for the signature collection.
Note: If the Legal Appointment review has been approved, the individual who applied for the Legal Appointment will receive an email notification advising them that they have been approved. They will now be required to schedule an interview with the 3.1(a).
1.10) Individual to Schedule interview with Legal Appointee 3.1(a)
Navigate to the onboarding widget and view your Legal Appointment Requests.
Select the calendar icon that displays next to the individual. You will notice that the status of the individual is “Awaiting Booking”
A calendar display will open whereby you can click on the date that best suits you to do the face-to-face interview with the 3.1(a)
Once you have clicked on the schedule that best suits you, to complete the action, select the book button.
Confirm that you would like to book the meeting.
You will receive a pop-up message to advise you that the booking has been placed.
The booking slip will download to your smart device whereby you can print it and take it with you on the day of the interview.
Note: The booking slip can be downloaded again if needed, by selecting the download booking slip button.
1.11) Selected 3.1 to authorize submitted interviews
On the day of the interview, the 3.1(a) representative, must view their scheduled calendar that displays in the Video Interviews module.
Click on the date and the applicable interview.
Select the view button.
The details of the schedule will display, and all Active bookings will display for viewing.
Open the required interview by selecting the “view” icon.
Select the “view” icon to open the recorded interviews.
When the 3.1 User has reviewed the submitted interview, he/she will be required to either Reject or Approve the Legal Appointment.
Note: If you have a signing hub integration set up on your corporate package, you will see a display for the approval to be sent to signing hub. Click on the approve to signing hub button and the document will be sent to signing hub for the signature collection.
Note: When a Legal Appointment has been Approved or Rejected, the individual will be notified of the outcome via email. The individual will be required to upload the signed copies of their legal appointment under their employee profile. (Refer to the People Manager user guide for more details).
If you need to mark an individual as a “no show” click on the button and this will be marked against the individuals record.
Alternatively, you can delete the record entirely, by selecting the delete button.
Note: If the 3.1(a) representative needs to edit the booked schedule, this can be done within the booking.
Click on the date and the applicable interview.
Select the view button.
Open the required interview by selecting the “view” icon.
The details of the meeting will display with an option to edit.
Edit the applicable details and select save.
You will receive a pop-up message advising you that the schedule has been edited and that the attendees are notified.
Note: The applicable attendee will receive a bell notification advising them that the appointment has been edited.
2) View Interview History
To view all current and history interviews, scroll below the Interview schedule grid.
Here you will be able to view all interviews completed and the status of each.
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