Corporate Client – Allow user to be able to select “all projects” when creating a KPI measure (12956)
When a user creates a KPI measure or when the KPI measure is edited, the user can assign the KPI to all projects on the selected division that they are logged into, or if the user is on the home division, the KPI can be allocated to all projected across all divisions.
Corporate Client and Service Provider - Employee statuses on Employee pack line items (13002)
When a user views an employee summary pack line item, the summary will include a display of all the employees linked to the project as well as each employee’s status. These statuses’ will consist of pending ERP approval, pending manpower approval and not active status’ to name a few.
The client needs to note that this change will not affect the auto-approval process. This means that it will still check if an employee is active, on sick leave, or is medically incapacitated. If the employee's status is either of the mentioned statuses’ the pack item will still be marked as approved.
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