What’s Improved?
Removing a photo from an Equipment Profile (Corporate Client and Service Provider) (8529)
Any Equipment item that has a photo uploaded now also displays a "Remove" button which will remove the photo uploaded rather than require the end user to replace it. This is only applicable to your owned Equipment
Equipment / Owned Equipment / View Equipment Profile
Corporate Clients: Adding a pre-requisites to Classroom Based Training (8718)
Course owners can now set pre-requisites in order for Individuals to be booked for training
Learning Management / Classroom/ Manage Courses
On edit or creation of a course there is an option to add a Course Pre-requisite. This can be a stand-alone competency or a Group competency which would check the profiles of the Employee at the time of adding them to a booking to see if they have a valid matching competency indicated within that Grouping, against their profiles
The Course Owner will the create a schedule as per standard process.
Once the course has been created the relevant target group indicated at the time of schedule creation will be able to book the relevant Employees for training, provided that the Employee has met the necessary pre-requisite
Learning Management / Classroom Learning/à Search for a course/ Book Training
Once an Employee has been selected for the Booking a check is run and it no matching pre-requisites are found the person will not be allowed to book
Corporate Clients: Additions to Graphs and Analytics for Recruitment Manager
Dashboard: Project Compliance / General
Corporate Clients can now view how many vacancies have been created by Companies in an Onboarding state
Dashboard: Project Compliance / Onboarding Contractors
The number of vacancies created by a Contractor while still in their Onboarding Phase now displays within the Onboarding Contractors Grid
Corporate Clients: Adding Company Category Required learning to Individuals
Corporate Clients can now mark e-learning courses that need to be completed for Employees linked so a specific Company Categories
Step 1: Indicating which e-learning programmes relate to a Company Category
Learning Management / E-Learning/ Edit your e-learning courses
On Edit or Create E-Learning – Indicate if this course is required by a specific Company Category, or multiple Categories. These
categories are created and assigned by the Corporate Client to their linked Service Providers.
Note: Any course that has categories assigned to them can still be completed by anybody using a link if provided with, or included in other training requirements within their position. The assignment of the Company Categories is to auto-assign specific e-learning courses to Employees from specific Company Categories
Step 2: Creating Position Requirements for Company Category Learning
A singular requirement needs to be created and used within Positions in order for the relevant Employees to be required to complete these e-learning programmes
A new Position Requirement Type has been created to cater for this called Company Category Required Learning
Toggle the E-learning to Yes and select the Company Categories you want to monitor
The report will indicate the required learning per Company Category what Courses are required and the outcome thereof per person who holds Position that has that requirement in it.
If there is no company category assigned the Employees linked to that company will not be displayed in this report
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